Wednesday, January 21, 2009


With all speed and might
The finish line in sight
Jelly legs
Heavy breath
Hard long stride
Closer and closer
Too good to be true
Don't trip
Don't fall
Here to win it all
This is my dream
The moment I've waited for
Here at the end
But wait
That was a dream
How can this be?
For real!?
Are you kidding me!?
Not long ago
You were preparing for this time
At long last the gold is mine
The more strides
That go by
The closer it comes
Almost all hopes
How I could cry
What is this?
Can this be true?
That I?
Can really have it all?
What fear do I have within me?
If I don't take this chance
I may not get another
There is always more races
I can also race another
What is this thinking?
That is in my head?
I'm lacking in stride
The closer they come
On my tail they get
I can't slack now
This is my one shot
Better take now
And give it all I've got

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Like most people, I have a past, history, bad side if you'd like to call it that. I want to put it all behind me and move on. I want to finish my schooling, get married to my fiance, have a family, and be a mother. But this past that I have is always eating at me. What do I need to do? The memories are burned into my thoughts. The pain seems to be getting better, but there are scars that I see, constantly. I've been trying to replace those thoughts with new happy memories and plans. What more can I do?

I have a future coming and I need to get going with it. I guess that's what I need to keep as my focus, and not the past.

Yesterday is History
Tomorrow is a Mystery
Today is a Gift
That's why it is called Present

May we all focus on the Present that is before us with the Future as our goals and remember only the Happy Yesterdays.